

Page history last edited by Laura Gibbs 16 years, 8 months ago

The words marked with * belong to the list of words used most frequently in the fables. For specialized vocabulary lists (lists by roots, lists by word type, etc.), visit the website at LatinViaFables.com.

ā or ab (prep. + abl.): from; by (agent)*

abdūcō (abdūcere, verb), abdūxī, abductus: lead away, take

abeō (abīre, irregular verb), abīvī or abiī, abitus: go away, depart

abesse, see absum

abigō (abigere, verb), abēgī, abactus: drive away, expel

abiiciō (abiicere, verb), abiēcī, abiectus: cast off, toss away

abnuō (abnuere, verb), abnuit, abnuitus: refuse, decline

abrōdō (abrōdere, verb), abrōsī, abrōsus: gnaw away, chew off

abscondō (abscondere, verb), abscondī, asconditus: hide, conceal

absentia (absentiae, f.): absence

absolūtus, absolūta, absolūtum (adj.): finished, complete

absorbeō (absorbēre, verb), absorbuī, absorptus: swallow up, engulf

absum (abesse, irregular verb), āfuī: be away, be absent

absūmō (absūmere, verb), absūmpsī, absūmptus: take up, use up

accēdō (accēdere, verb), accessī, accessus: come near, approach*

accidō (accidere, verb), accidī: occur, happen

accipiter (accipitris, m.): hawk*

accumbō (accumbere, verb), accubuī, accubitus: recline, sit down to dinner

accurrō (accurrere, verb), accurrī, accursus: run to, run up

acerbus, acerba, acerbum (adj.) harsh, bitter

aciēs (aciēī, f.): sharp edge, battle line

acquīrō (acquīrere, verb), acquisīvī, acquisītus: obtain, acquire

ācriter (adv.): sharply, pointedly

actus, see agō

aculeus (aculeī, m.): sting, goad

acūmen (acūminis, n.): sharpness, point

acuō (acuere, verb), acuī, acūtus: sharpen

ad (prep. + acc.): to, towards*

adaptō (adaptāre, verb), adaptāvī, adaptātus: modify, fit to

adeō (adīre, irregular verb), adīvī or adiī, aditus: go to, approach

adeptus, see adipiscor

adesse, see adsum

adhibeō (adhibēre, verb), adhibuī, adhibitus: apply, extend to

adiiciō (adiicere, verb), adiēcī, adiectus: throw to, toss towards

adipiscor (adipiscī, deponent verb), adeptus sum: get, win

adiī or adīvī, see adeō

adminiculum (adminiculī, n.): prop, support

admoneō (admonēre, verb), admonuī, admonitus: suggest, prompt

admoveō (admovēre, verb), admōvī, admōtus: bring near, move up

adolescēns (adolescentis, m.): youth, young man

adolescentulus (adolescentulī, m.): young man, youth

adorior (adorīrī, deponent verb), adortus sum: assail, atttack

adproperō (adproperāre, verb), adproperāvī, adproperātus: hasten, hurry towards

adsum (adesse, irregular verb), affuī: be present, attend

adveniō (advenīre, verb), advēnī, adventus: come to, arrive

adventō (adventāre, verb), adventāvī, adventātus: approach, arrive

adventus (adventūs, m.): arrival, coming

adversor (adversārī, deponent verb), adversātus sum: oppose, be against

adversus (prep. +acc.): against, opposite

aedes (aedis, f.): temple, shrine

aegrōtō (aegrōtāre, verb), aegrōtāvī, aegrōtātus: be ill, sick

aegrōtus, aegrōta, aegrōtum (adj.): ailing, sick

aemulātiō (aemulātiōnis, f.): rivalry, ambition

aequō (aequāre, verb), aequāvī, aequātus: equal, level

aerumnōsus, aerumnōsa, aerumnōsum (adj.): troubled, full of difficulty

aestās (aestātis, f.): summer, summer heat

aestimō (aestimāre, verb), aestimāvī, aestimātus: assess, consider

aestuō (aestuāre, verb), aestuāvī, aestuātus: become hot, boil

aestus (aestūs, m.): fire, heat wave

aetās (aetātis, f.): age, stage of life

afferō (afferre, irregular verb), attulī, allātus: bring to, carry up

afficiō (afficere, verb), affēcī, affectus: afflict, weaken

affor (affārī, deponent verb), affātus sum: speak to, address

afuī, see absum

affuī, see adsum

ager (agrī, m.): field

aggredior (aggredī, deponent verb), aggressus sum: approach, attack

agitō (agitāre, verb), agitāvī, agitātus: drive, guide

agmen (agminis, n.): army, marching column

agnellus (agnellī, m.): little lamb

agnoscō (agnoscere, verb), agnōvī, agnitus: recognize, realize

agnus (agnī, m.): lamb

agō (agere, verb), ēgī, actus: conduct, do, carry out the role

agricola (agricolae, m.): farmer

aiō (defective verb): say; ait: he/she says; aiunt: they say

āla (ālae, f.): wing

alauda (alaudae, f.): crested lark

algor (algōris, m.): cold, chill

allātus, see afferō

aliquandō (adv.): sometime, sometime or other

aliquis, aliquid (alicūius, pron.): someone, some (also aliquī, aliqua, aliquod, adj.)

alius, alia, aliud (alīus, adj.): another, other

alliciō (allicere, verb), allexī, allectus: entice, lure

alō (alere, verb), aluī, alitus: nourish, raise

alter, altera, alterum (alterīus, adj.): other, another

altus, alta, altum (adj.): high, tall, deep

alveāre (alveāris, n.): beehive

amābilis, amābile (amābilis, adj.): lovable, amiable

amātor (amātōris, m.): lover, admirer

amātōrius, amātōria, amātōrium (adj.): amorous, in love

ambāgēs (ambāgis, f.): long story, convoluted words

ambō, ambae, ambō (number, pron.): both, two together

amīcitia (amīcitiae, f.): friendship

amictus (amictūs, m.): cloak, outer garment

amīcus (amīcī, m.): friend*

amnis (amnis, m.): river, stream

amō (amāre, verb), amāvī, amātus: love

amplius (adv.): more, any more

anceps (ancipitis, adj.): two-headed, doubtful

ancilla (ancillae, f.): maid, maidservant

anguis (anguis, m.): snake, serpent

angustus, angusta, angustum (adj.): narrow, steep

anhēlitus (anhēlitūs, m.): breath, panting

anhēlō (anhēlāre, verb), anhēlāvī, anhēlātus: pant, gasp

animadvertō (animadvertere, verb), animadvertī, animadversus: notice, pay attention to

animal (animālis, n.): animal, living being

animāns (animantis, n.): animal, living being

animōsus,  animōsa,  animōsum  (adj.): courageous, energetic

animus (animī, m.): mind, spirit

annītor (annītī, deponent verb), annīxus sum: lean upon, strive

ansa (ansae, f.): handle

anser (anseris, m.): goose

ante (prep. + acc.): before, in front of

antequam (conj.): before, prior to

antrum (antrī, n.): cave, hollow place

anus (anūs, f.): old woman

anxietās (anxietātis, f.): worry, anxiety

anxius, anxia, anxium (adj.): uneasy, worried

apage (interjection): begone, away with

aper (aprī, m.): wild boar

apicula (apiculae, f.): bee, little bee

apis (apis, f.): bee

appāreō (appārēre, verb), appāruī, appāritus: appear, show up

applaudō (applaudere, verb), applausī, applausus: clap, applaud

apprehendō (apprehendere, verb), apprehendī, apprehēnsus: grab hold of, seize

appropinquō (appropinquāre, verb), appropinquāvī, appropinquātus: approach, draw near

aptus, apta, aptum (adj.): suitable, proper

aqua (aquae, f.): water

aquila (aquilae, f.): eagle*

Aquilō (aquilōnis, m.): North wind

āra (ārae, f.): altar

arātrum (arātrī, n.): plow

arbor (arboris, f.): tree*

arēna (arēnae, f.): sand

armātus, armāta, armātum (adj.): armor-clad, spurred

armentum (armentī, n.): herd, cattle

arō (arāre, verb), arāvī, arātus: plow

arrēpō (arrēpere, verb), arrēpsī: creep up to

arripiō (arripere, verb), arripuī, arreptus: assail, jump at

ars (artis, f.): art, artifice, skill

artus, arta, artum (adj.): narrow, tight

arundō (arundinis, f.): reed

ascendō (ascendere, verb), ascendī, ascēnsus: climb up, go up

asellus (asellī, m.): donkey, little donkey

asinus (asinī, m.): donkey*

asper, aspera, asperum (adj.): violent, rough

aspiciō (aspicere, verb), aspexī, aspectus: look at, notice

assūmō (assūmere, verb), assūmpsī, assūmptus: take on, assume

ast (conj.): but, on the contrary

astūtia (astūtiae, f.): cleverness, trick

at (conj.): but, but yet

atque or āc (conj.): and, and moreover, than

attendō (attendere, verb), attendī, attentus: pay attention to

attingō (attingere, verb), attigī, attactus: touch, reach

attollō (attollere, verb): raise up, lift on high

attonō (attonāre, verb), attonuī, attonitus: daze, strike with lightning

attulī, see afferō

auceps (aucupis, m.): fowler, birdcatcher

auctor (auctōris, m.): author, originator

auctōritās (auctōritātis, f.): authority, prestige

audeō (audēre, semi-deponent verb), ausus sum: dare, venture

audiō (audīre, verb), audīvī, audītus: hear*

aufugiō (aufugere, verb), aufūgī: run away, flee

augur (auguris, m.): prophet, seer

augurium (auguriī, n.): omen, sign

aureus, aurea, aureum (adj.): gold, golden

auricula (auriculae, f.): ear, little ear

auris (auris, f.): ear

auspex (auspicis, m.): seer, guide

ausus, see audeō

aut (conj.): or

autem (conj.): but, moveover*

autumō (autumāre, verb), autumāvī, autumātus: assert, reckon

auxilium (auxiliī, n.): help

avārus, avāra, avārum (adj.): greedy, grasping

avicula (aviculae, f.): bird, little bird

avidē (adv.): eagerly, insatiably

avidus, avida, avidum (adj.): eager, insatiable

avis (avis, f.): bird*

avolō (avolāre, verb), avolāvī, avolātus: fly away, fly off

basilica (basilicae, f.): great hall, court

bellātor (bellātōris, m.): warrior, combatant

bellum (bellī, n.): war, combat

bene (adv.): well, good

benefactor (benefactōris, m.): benefactor

beneficium (beneficiī, n.): kindness, favor

benevolentia (benevolentiae, f.): goodwill, kindness

bestia (bestiae, f.): beast, animal

bestiola (bestiolae, f.): critter, little beast

bibō (bibere, verb), bibī: drink

bis (adv.): twice, on two occasions

blandē (adv.): charmingly, coaxingly

blandus, blanda, blandum (adj.): charming, coaxing

blatterō (blatterāre, verb), blatterāvī, blatterātus: babble, yammer

bonus, bona, bonum (adj.): good

Boreās (acc. Boream, m.): North wind [Greek]

bōs (bovis, m.): ox, bull*

breviter (adv.): shortly, briefly

brūma (brūmae, f.): winter weather, cold

Brūtus (Brūtī, m.): Brutus (Marcus Junius Brutus)

cachinnus (cachinnī, m.): cackle, chuckle

caedis (caedis, f.): slaughter, massacre

caelum (caelī, n.): sky, heaven

calculus (calculī, m.): reckoning, calculation

calefīō (calefierī, irregular verb), calefactus sum: warm up, become warm

calleō (callēre, verb), calluī: know, have experience

calx (calcis, f.): heel, foot, hoof

canis (canis, m/f.): dog*

canōrus, canōra, canōrum (adj.): melodious, resonant

cantō (cantāre, verb), cantāvī, cantātus: sing

cantus (cantūs, m.): song, tune

caper (caprī, m.): goat, billy-goat

capiō (capere, verb), cēpī, captus: get, seize*

captīvus, captīva, captīvum (adj.): imprisoned, caught

captō (captāre, verb), captāvī, captātus: grab, grasp

caput (capitis, n.): head, person, source

careō (carēre, verb), caruī: lack

carō (carnis, f.): flesh, meat

carrus (carrī, m.): wagon

Carthāgō (Carthāginis, f.): Carthage

cassus, cassa, cassum (adj.): hollow, fruitless

cāsus (cāsūs, m.): chance, accident

catēna (catēnae, f.): chain, bond

catta (cattae, f.): she-cat

cattus (cattī, m.): cat*

catulus (catulī, m.): puppy, whelp

cauda (caudae, f.): tail

causa (causae, f.): reason, cause

cautē (adv.): carefully, thoroughly

cautus, cauta, cautum (adj.): careful, cautious

caveō (cavēre, verb), cāvī, cautus: beware, watch out for

caverna (cavernae, f.): hole, den

cēdō (cēdere, verb), cessī, cessus: retire, give way

cedrus (cedrī, f.): cedar tree

cēna (cēnae, f.): dinner, meal

cēnō (cēnāre, verb), cēnāvī, cēnātus: dine, eat

cēpī, see capiō

cernō (cernere, verb), crēvī, crētus: see, discern

certāmen (certāminis, n.): contest, competition

certō (certāre, verb), certāvī, certātus: contend, dispute

certus, certa, certum (adj.): fixed, sure

cervus (cervī, m.): deer, stag*

cessī, see cēdō

cēterum (adv.): besides, as for the rest, moreover

cēterus, cētera, cēterum (adj.): rest, other

cibus (cibī, m.): food

cicāda (cicādae, f.): cricket

cicātrix (cicātrīcis, f.): scar

cicōnia (cicōniae, f.): stork

cieō (ciēre, verb), cīvī, citus: set in motion, produce

circumcircā (adv.): round about, all around

circumferō (circumferre, irregular verb), circumtulī, circumlātus: cast about, move in circles

circumlātrō (circumlātrāre, verb), circumlātrāvī, circumlātrātus: bark, bark around

circumspiciō (circumspicere, verb), circumspexī, circumspectus: look around

circumstīpātus, circumstīpāta, circumstīpātum (adj.): surrounded, crowded

circumstō (circumstāre, verb), circumstetī: surround, stand around

circumvagor (circumvagārī, deponent verb), circumvagātus sum: wander around, roam

circumvolō (circumvolāre, verb), circumvolāvī, circumvolātus: fly around, flit

citus and cīvī, see cieō

clāmitō (clāmitāre, verb), clāmitāvī, clāmitātus: shout repeatedly, yell loudly

clāmō (clāmāre, verb), clāmāvī, clāmātus: shout, exclaim

clāmor (clāmōris, m.): shouting, outcry

clāmōsus,  clāmōsa,  clāmōsum  (adj.): shouting, noisy

clārus, clāra, clārum (adj.): clear, bright

claudō (claudere, verb), clausī, clausus: close, shut, conclude, finish

clēmens (clēmentis, adj.): merciful, gentle

coepī (coepisse, perfect verb), coeptus: begin, start

cōgitō (cōgitāre, verb), cōgitāvī, cōgitātus: think, ponder

cognoscō (cognoscere, verb), cognōvī, cognitus: learn, find out

cōgō (cōgere, verb), coēgī, coactus: compel, drive

cohabitō (cohabitāre, verb), cohabitāvī, cohabitātus: live together

collābor (collābī, deponent verb), collapsus sum: fall down, slip down

colligō (colligāre, verb), colligāvī, colligātus: bind, tie together

collis (collis, m.): hill

collum (collī, n.): neck

coluber (colubrī, m.): snake, serpent

columba (columbae, f.): dove, pigeon*

comedō (comedere, verb), comēdī, comēsus: eat, consume

comes (comitis, m.): companion, parter

commodum (commodī, n.): convenience, advantage

commoveō (commovēre, verb), commōvī, commōtus: provoke, disturb

commūnis, commūne (commūnis, adj.): general, common

commūtō (commūtāre, verb), commūtāvī, commūtātus: change, exchange

comparō (comparāre, verb), comparāvī, comparātus: procure, buy, provide

complūrēs, complūria (complūrium, adj.): many, a good number

comprehendō (comprehendere, verb), comprehendī, comprehēnsus: grasp, seize

comprimō (comprimere, verb), compressī, compressus: hold in, suppress

cōnātus (cōnātūs, m.): effort, attempt (see also conor)

concēdō (concēdere, verb), concessī, concessus: give up, grant

concertō (concertāre, verb), concertāvī, concertātus: fight over, argue over

concitō (concitāre, verb), concitāvī, concitātus: urge, spur

conclūdō (conclūdere, verb), conclūsī, conclūsus: close, finish

concussiō (concussiōnis, f.): shaking, rough blow

condoleō (condolēre, verb), condoluī, condolitus: empathize, feel pain with another

confestim (adv.): immediately, at once

conficiō (conficere, verb), confēcī, confectus: consume, exhaust

confringō (confringere, verb), confrēgī, confractus: break in two, shatter

confugiō (confugere, verb), confūgī: flee, take refuge

cōniciō (cōnicere, verb), coniēcī, coniectus: hurl, make go, put together, conjecture

coniungō (coniungere, verb), coniunxī, coniunctus: join, connect

cōnor (cōnārī, deponent verb), cōnātus sum: try, attempt, endeavor

conscendō (conscendere, verb), conscendī, conscēnsus: climb up, mount

conscius, conscia, conscium (adj.): aware of, guilty of

consilium (consiliī, n.): advice, suggestion

consōlor (consōlārī, deponent verb), consōlātus sum: cheer, comfort

conspiciō (conspicere, verb), conspexī, conspectus: observe, witness

conspicor (conspicārī, deponent verb), conspicātus sum: notice, observe

consternō (consternere, verb), constrāvī, constrātus: stretch out, lay low

constituō (constituere, verb), constituī, constitūtus: establish, put in position

constō (constāre, verb), constitī: consist of, stand upon

consuescō (consuescere, verb), consuēvī, consuētus: be in the habit of, get used to

consulō (consulere, verb), consuluī, consultus: advise, offer advice

contemnō (contemnere, verb), contempsī, contemptus: scorn, disparage

contemptus (contemptūs, m.): scorn, disdain

contentus, contenta, contentum (adj.): satisfied, content

conterō (conterere, verb), contrīvī, contrītus: crush, grind into bits

contiguus, contigua, contiguum (adj.): near, touching

contingit (contingere, impersonal verb), contigit, contactum est: turn out, fall to

continuō (adv.): immediately, at once

contrā (adv., also prep. + acc.): opposite, in opposition to

contrahō (contrahere, verb), contraxī, contractus: agree upon, contract

contrīvī, see conterō

contundō (contundere, verb), contudī, contūsus: beat, bruise

convalescō (convalescere, verb), convaluī: get well, grow strong

conveniō (convenīre, verb), convēnī, conventus: agree, meet

convertō (convertere, verb), convertī, conversus: turn, turn around

cōpia (cōpiae, f.): abundance, plenty

cor (cordis, m.): heart, mind

coriārius (coriāriī, m.): tanner, leather-worker

cornix (cornīcis, f.): crow, she-crow

cornu (cornūs, n.): horn

corōna (corōnae, f.): ring, crown

corpus (corporis, n.): body

corripiō (corripere, verb), corripuī, correptus: seize, carry off

corrōdō (corrōdere, verb), corrōsī, corrōsus: gnaw away, chew up

crēdō (crēdere, verb), crēdidī, crēditus: believe, think

crēdulus, crēdula, crēdulum (adj.): gullible, trusting

creō (creāre, verb), creāvī, creātus: create, make

crepō (crepāre, verb), crepuī, crepitus: burst, snap

crescō (crescere, verb), crēvī, crētus: grow, increase

cruciō (cruciāre, verb), cruciāvī, cruciātus: torment, torture

crūdēlitās (crūdēlitātis, f.): roughness, cruelty

crūditās (crūditātis, f.): rawness, wound

cucurrī, see currō

cum (conj., also prep. + abl.): when, since, because; with*

cunīculus (cunīculī, m.): hole, hidden place

cupiditās (cupiditātis, f.): desire, greed

cupidus, cupida, cupidum (adj.): desiring, longing for

cupiō (cupere, verb), cupīvī, cupītus: want, desire

cupressus (cupressī, f.): cypress tree

cūr (adv.): why

cūra (cūrae, f.): care, worry

cūriōse (adv.): carefully, diligently

cūrō (cūrāre, verb), cūrāvī, cūrātus: cure, heal

currō (currere, verb), cucurrī, cursus: run, race

cursitō (cursitāre, verb), cursitāvī, cursitātus: run about, race

cursus (cursūs, m.): running, race

custōdia (custōdiae, f.): guard, protection

custōs (custōdis, m.): guardian, watcher

damnō (damnāre, verb), damnāvī, damnātus: find guilty, condemn

daps (dapis, f.): feast, meal

datus, see dō

dē (prep. +abl.): down from, about*

dea (deae, f.): goddess

deambulō (deambulāre, verb), deambulāvī, deambulātus: go for a walk, walk around

dēbeō (dēbēre, verb), dēbuī, dēbitus: owe, ought

dēcēdō (dēcēdere, verb), dēcessī, dēcessus: depart, withdraw

dēcernō (dēcernere, verb), dēcrēvī, dēcrētus: determine, resolve

dēcipiō (dēcipere, verb), dēcēpī, dēceptus: trick, deceive

dēclīnō (dēclīnāre, verb), dēclīnāvī, dēclīnātus: swerve, bend

dēcoquō (dēcoquere, verb), dēcoxī, dēcoctus: melt down, consume

dēcrēvī, see dēcernō

dēcumbō (dēcumbere, verb), dēcubuī: lie, lie down

decus (decoris, n.): distinction, honor

dēdecus (dēdecoris, n.): dishonor, disgrace

deesse, see desum

dedī, see dō

dēfēcī, see dēficiō

dēfatīgō (dēfatīgāre, verb), dēfatīgāvī, dēfatīgātus: tire out, exhaust

dēfetiscor (dēfetiscī, deponent verb), dēfessus sum: grow exhausted, get tired

dēficiō (dēficere, verb), dēfēcī, dēfectus: falter, defect

dēfīgō (dēfīgere, verb), dēfīxī, dēfīxus: fix, pin down

dēfuī, see dēsum

dēfunctus, dēfuncta, dēfunctum (adj.): dead, deceased

dēiiciō (dēiicere, verb), dēiēcī, dēiectus: throw down, drop

deinceps (adv.): next, thereafter

deinde (adv.): afterwards, then

dēleō (dēlēre, verb), dēlēvī, dēlētus: erase, wipe out

dēlicātulus, dēlicātula, dēlicātulum (adj.): charming, dainty

dēlicium (dēliciī, n.): delight, source of joy

dēligō (dēligere, verb), dēlēgī, dēlectus: pick, select

dēlitescō (dēlitescere, verb), dēlituī: lurk in, seek shelter in

delphīnus (delphīnī, m.): dolphin

dēmittō (dēmittere, verb), dēmīsī, dēmissus: let go, send away

dēnique (adv.): finally, in the end

dens (dentis, m.): tooth, fang

dēnuō (adv.): once more, a second time

dēpascor (dēpascī, deponent verb), dēpastus sum: graze on, eat up

dēpendeō (dēpendēre, verb), dēpendī: hang, hang down

dēportō (dēportāre, verb), dēportāvī, dēportātus: bring to, carry along

dēprecor (dēprecārī, deponent verb), dēprecātus sum: abominate, disparage

dēprehendō (dēprehendere, verb), dēprehendī, dēprehēnsus: seize, pounce on

dēprīvō (dēprīvāre, verb), dēprīvāvī, dēprīvātus: deprive of

dēprōmō (dēprōmere, verb), dēprōmpsī, dēprōmptus: fetch, bring out

dērīdeō (dērīdēre, verb), dērīsī, dērīsus: laugh at, make fun of

dēscendō (dēscendere, verb), dēscendī, dēscēnsus: go down, come down

dēsīderium (dēsīderiī, n.): longing, desire

dēsignō (dēsignāre, verb), dēsignāvī, dēsignātus: select, appoint

dēsipiō (dēspiere, verb), dēsipuī: act foolishly

dēsistō (dēsistere, verb), dēstitī, dēstitus: stop, cease

dēspectō (dēspectāre, verb): look over, look down on

dēspiciō (dēspicere, verb), dēspexī, dēspectus: look down on, despise

dēstituō (dēstituere, verb), dēstituī, dēstitūtus: leave without, desert

dēsum (dēesse, irregular verb), dēfuī: lack, have not

dētegō (dētegere, verb), dētexī, dētectus: uncover, lay bare

dētineō (dētinēre, verb), dētinuī, dētentus: hold back, detain

dētrahō (dētrahere, verb), dētraxī, dētractus: drag down, take off

dētruncō (dētruncāre, verb), dētruncāvī, dētruncātus: cut off, lop off

deus (deī, m.): god

dēvorō (dēvorāre, verb), dēvorāvī, dēvorātus: consume, gulp down

dextra (dextrae, f.): right hand

dīcō (dīcere, verb), dixī, dictus: say*

dictitō (dictitāre, verb), dictitāvī, dictitātus: say, repeat

dies (diēī, m.): day, daylight

differō (differre, irregular verb), distulī, dīlātus: put off, delay

difficilis, difficile (difficilis, adj.): difficult, hard

dignus, digna, dignum (adj.): worthy, deserving

dīlātus, see differō

dīligenter (adv.): carefully, diligently

dīmittō (dīmittere, verb), dīmīsī, dīmissus: let go, send away

dīripiō (dīripere, verb), dīripuī, dīreptus: seize, tear off

discēdō (discēdere, verb), discessī, discessus: depart, march off

disceptātiō (disceptātiōnis, f.): debate, dispute

discordia (discordiae, f.): disagreement, dispute

disiiciō (disiicere, verb), disiēcī, disiectus: toss aside, break up

dispereō (disperīre, irregular verb), disperīvī or disperiī: perish, be lost

dissipō (dissipāre, verb), dissipāvī, dissipātus: scatter, disperse

dissolūtus, dissolūta, dissolūtum (adj.): careless, loose

distendō (distendere, verb), distendī, distentus: spread out, extend

distulī, see differō

diūturnus, diūturna, diūturnum (adj.): long-lasting, enduring

dīversus, dīversa, dīversum (adj.): different, inconsistent

dīves (dīvitis, adj.): rich, wealthy

dīvidō (dīvidere, verb), dīvīsī, dīvīsus: divide, share

dō (dare, verb), dedī, datus: give*

doceō (docēre, verb), docuī, doctus: teach

dolor (dolōris, m.): pain, grief

dolus (dolī, m.): trick, treachery

dominus (dominī, m.): master, owner

domus (domūs, f.): home, house*

dōnec (conj.): until

dormiō (dormīre, verb), dormīvī, dormītus: sleep

dubitō (dubitāre, verb), dubitāvī, dubitātus: doubt, be uncertain

dubium (dubiī, n.): doubt

dūcō (dūcere, verb), dūxī, ductus: lead, bring

dūdum (adv.): a while ago

dulcis, dulce (dulcis, adj.): sweet

dum (conj.): while*

dumtaxat (adv.): only, precisely

duo, duae, duo (adj.): two

duplicō (duplicāre, verb), duplicāvī, duplicātus: fold over, bend double

dūrus, dūra, dūrum (adj.): hard, harsh

dux (ducis, m.): leader, commander

dūxī, see dūcō

ēditus, ēdita, ēditum (adj.): high, rising

ēdō (ēdere, verb), ēdidī, ēditus: bring forth, put out

ēdūcō (ēdūcere, verb), ēdūxī, ēductus: draw out, take out

efflō (efflāre, verb), efflāvī, efflātus: breathe out, exhale

effringō (effringere, verb), effrēgī, effractus: break open, smash

effugiō (effugere, verb), effūgī: escape, flee

effundō (effundere, verb), effūdī, effūsus: pour out

egeō (egēre, verb), eguī: need, require

ēgī, see agō

ego (personal pronoun): I*

ēgregiē (adv.): exceptionally, admirably well

ēheu (interjection.): alas, woe

ēiiciō (ēiicere, verb), ēiēcī, ēiectus: throw out, expel

ēlābor (ēlābī, deponent verb), ēlapsus sum: slip, slide

ēlātrō (ēlātrāre, verb), ēlātrāvī, ēlātrātus: bark, bark out

ēligō (ēligere, verb), ēlēgī, ēlectus: choose, select

ēlūdō (ēlūdere, verb), ēlūsī, ēlūsus: frustrate, cheat

ēmōlior (ēmōlīrī, deponent verb), ēmōlītus sum: carry through, bring forth

ēmolumentum (ēmolumentī, n.): benefit, profit

ēnecō (ēnecāre, verb), ēnecuī, ēnectus: kill, kill off

enim (conj.): for, that is to say*

enimvērō (conj.): to be sure, what is more

eō (īre, irregular verb), īvī or iī, itus: go*

epulor (epulārī, deponent verb), epulātus sum: feast, dine lavishly

equus (equī, m.): horse*

ergo (adv. and conj.): therefore, then

ērigō (ērigere, verb), ērexī, ērectus: raise, erect

ēripiō (ēripere, verb), ēripuī, ēreptus: snatch away, take

errō (errāre, verb), errāvī, errātus: make a mistake, be wrong

ēsuriō (ēsurīre, verb): hunger, be hungry

et (conj. and adv.): and; even also*

etenim (conj.): as a matter of fact, because

etiam (adv.): even, also

euge (interjection.): fine! bravo!

Eurus (Eurī, m.): East wind

ēvādō (ēvādere, verb), ēvāsī, ēvāsus: escape, get out, turn out to be

ēvellō (ēvellere, verb), ēvellī, ēvulsus: pluck, tear out

ēveniō (ēvenīre, verb), ēvēnī, ēventus: come forth, turn out

ēvincō (ēvincere, verb), ēvīcī, ēvictus: subdue, overcome

ēvītō (ēvītāre, verb), ēvītāvī, ēvītātus: avoid, shun

ex (prep. + abl.): out, from*

exāmen (exāminis, n.): swarm

exanimātus, exanimāta, exanimātum (adj.): deprive of air, deprive of life

excidō (excidere, verb), excidī: perish, disappear

excieō (exciēre, verb), excīvī, excitus: rouse, summon

excipiō (excipere, verb), excēpī, exceptus: take out, set aside

excitō (excitāre, verb), excitāvī, excitātus: stir up, arouse

exclāmō (exclāmāre, verb), exclāmāvī, exclāmātus: shout, cry out

exclūdō (exclūdere, verb), exclūsī, exclūsus: thrust out, hatch

excōgitō (excōgitāre, verb), excōgitāvī, excōgitātus: devise, invent

excoriō (excoriāre, verb), excoriāvī, excoriātus: flay, strip

excors (excordis, adj.): brainless, lacking understanding

excurrō (excurrere, verb), excurrī, excursus: run out, sally forth

excutiō (excutere, verb), excussī, excussus: shake off, cast out

exemplum (exemplī, n.): example, model

exeō (exīre, irregular verb), exīvī or exiī, exitus: go out, come out

exerceō (exercēre, verb), exercuī, exercitus: conduct, carry out

exhauriō (exhaurīre, verb), exhausī, exhaustus: drain, empty, drink up

existimō (existimāre, verb), existimāvī, existimātus: value, estimate

expectō (expectāre, verb), expectāvī, expectātus: await, anticipate

expediō (expedīre, verb), expedīvī, expedītus: unfold, explain

expergēfaciō (expergēfacere, verb), expergēfēcī, expergēfactus: wake up, arouse

experior (experīrī, deponent verb), expertus sum: test, try

expleō (explēre, verb), explēvī, explētus: satisfy, fulfill

explicō (explicāre, verb), explicāvī, explicātus: unfold, untangle

explōrō (explōrāre, verb), explōrāvī, explōrātus: search out, test

expostulō (expostulāre, verb), expostulāvī, expostulātus: complain, remonstrate

exprobrō (exprobāre, verb), exprobāvī, exprobātus: reproach with, criticize

expugnō (expugnāre, verb), expugnāvī, expugnātus: assault, conquer

extendō (extendere, verb), extendī, extēnsus: stretch out, spread

extō (extāre, verb): stand out, protrude

extollō (extollere, verb): raise up, praise

extrā (adv. and prep. + acc.): outside, beyond

extrahō (extrahere, verb), extraxī, extractus: pull out, extract

exultō (exultāre, verb), exultāvī, exultātus: jump about, rejoice

exuō (exuere, verb), exuī, exūtus: take off, strip

exuviae (exuviārum, f.): skin, something that is shed

fabricō (fabricāre, verb), fabricāvī, fabricātus: make, fashion

faciēs (faciēī, f.): face, appearance

facile (adv.): easily

facilis, facile (facilis, adj.): easy

faciō (facere, verb), fēcī, factus: make, do*

factus, see faciō or fiō

faenum (faenī, n.): hay

fallax (fallācis, adj.): deceitful, misleading

fallō (fallere, verb), fefellī, falsus: deceive, beguile

falsus, falsa, falsum (adj.): wrong, lying

falx (falcis, f.): sickle, scythe

famēlicus, famēlica, famēlicum (adj.): starving, hungry

famēs (famis, f.): hunger, famine

fasciciulus (fasciciulī, m.): little bundle, packet

fascis (fascis, m.): bundle, packet

fateor (fatērī, deponent verb), fassus sum: admit, confess

fatīgō (fatīgāre, verb), fatīgāvī, fatīgātus: exhaust, tire

fatiscō (fatiscere, verb): give way, wear out

faux (faucis, f.): gullet, throat

fax (facis, f.): torch, firebrand

fēcī, see faciō

fefellī, see fallō

fel (fellis, n.): gall, bile

fēlix (fēlīcis, adj.): happy, lucky

fēmina (fēminae, f.): woman

fera (ferae, f.): wild beast, animal

fermē (adv.): nearly, almost

ferō (ferre, irregular verb), tulī, lātus: carry, bear*

fētus (fētūs, m.): offspring, young

fidēlis, fidēle (fidēlis, adj.): loyal, reliable

fidēs (fidēī, f.): faith, trust, protection

fīdō (fīdere, semi-deponent verb), fīsus sum: put trust in, believe in

fīgō (fīgere, verb), fīxī, fīxus: fasten, fix

fīlia (fīliae, f.): daughter

fīlius (fīliī, m.): son

fingō (fingere, verb), finxī, fictus: contrive, pretend

fīnis (fīnis, m.): end, limit

fiō (fierī, irregular verb), factus sum: become, be, happen

firmus, firma, firmum (adj.): firm, steady

fīsus, see fīdō

fīxī, see fīgō

flagellō (flagellāre, verb), flagellāvī, flagellātus: whip, flog

flamma (flammae, f.): flame, blaze

flātus (flātūs, m.): blowing, breeze

fluitō (fluitāre, verb), fluitāvī, fluitātus: flow, float

flūmen (flūminis, n.): stream, river

fluvius (fluviī, m.): river, stream

focus (focī, m.): heart, fireplace

fodīna (fodīnae, f.): pit, mine

fodiō (fodere, verb), fōdī, fossus: dig

foedifragus, foedifraga, foedifragum (adj.): treaty-breaking

foedus (foederis, n.): treaty, agreement

fons (fontis, m.): spring, source of water

fonticulus (fonticulī, m.): little spring, fountain

forās (adv.): out, out of doors

foris (foris, f.): door, gate

forīs (adv.): outside, out of doors

forma (formae, f.): shape, beauty

formīca (formīcae, f.): ant*

formōsus,  formōsa,  formōsum  (adj.): shapely, handsome, lovely

forsan (adv.): perhaps

forte (adv.): by chance, accidentally

fortis, forte (fortis, adj.): strong

fortuītō (adv.): accidentally, by chance

fortūna (fortūnae, f.): luck, fortune

fovea (foveae, f.): pit, snare

fragor (fragōris, m.): noise, crash

frangō (frangere, verb), frēgī, fractus: break, shatter

frāterculus (frāterculī, m.): little brother

fremebundus, fremebunda, fremebundum (adj.): roaring, murmuring

frēnum (frēnī, n.): bridle, harness

fricō (fricāre, verb), fricuī, frictus: rub, scratch

frīgescō (frīgescere, verb), frixī: grow cold, cool

frīgus (frīgoris, n.): cold, frost

frondōsus,  frondōsa,  frondōsum  (adj.): leafy, shady

fruor (fruī, deponent verb), fructus sum: use, enjoy

frustrā (adv.): in vain, unsuccessfully

frustror (frustrārī, deponent verb), frustrātus sum: disappoint, deceive

fugiō (fugere, verb), fūgī, fugitus: run away, flee

fugō (fugāre, verb), fugāvī, fugātus: chase away, put to flight

fulgurāns (fulgurantis, adj.): flittering, flashing

fundus (fundī, m.): bottom, base

fūnis (fūnis, m.): rope, cord

fūrax (fūrācis, adj.): thieving

fustis (fustis, m.): club, stick

fūtilis, fūtile (fūtilis, adj.): worthless, useless

Galēnus (Galēnī, m.): Galen, famed Roman physician

gallicinium (galliciniī, n.): cock-crow

gallināceus, gallinācea, gallināceum (adj.): poultry, barnyard

gallus (gallī, m.): rooster*

garrulus, garrula, garrulum (adj.): talkative, chattering

gaudeō (gaudēre, semi-deponent verb), gāvisus sum: be glad, rejoice

gaudium (gaudiī, n.): joy, gladness

gemebundus, gemebunda, gemebundum (adj.): groaning, sighing

gemma (gemmae, f.): jewel, gem

gemmārius (gemmāriī, m.): jeweller

gemō (gemere, verb), gemuī, gemitus: moan, groan

gens (gentis, f.): tribe, nation

genus (generis, n.): kind, type

gerō (gerere, verb), gessī, gestus: carry on, manage

glōriābundus, glōriābunda, glōriābundum (adj.): triumphant, proud

glōrior (glōriārī, deponent verb), glōriātus sum: boast, brag

gradior (gradī, deponent verb), gressus sum: walk, step

grandescō (grandescere, verb): grow, increase

grandis, grande (grandis, adj.): great, large

grānum (grānī, n.): grain, seed

grātia (grātiae, f.): favor, pleasantness, thanks

grātīs (adv.): freely, at no cost

grātus, grāta, grātum (adj.): agreeable, acceptable

gravātus, gravāta, gravātum (adj.): weighed down

gravis, grave (gravis, adj.): weighty, serious

graviter (adv.): heavily, seriously

gressus, see gradior

grex (gregis, m.): flock, herd

grūs (gruis, f.): crane*

gustō (gustāre, verb), gustāvī, gustātus: taste, enjoy

guttur (gutturis, n.): throat, gullet

habeō (habēre, verb), habuī, habitus: have*

haereō (haerēre, verb), haesī, haesus: stick, cling

hālitus (hālitūs, m.): breath, exhalation

hāmātus, hāmāta, hāmātum (adj.): hooked

hasta (hastae, f.): spear, javelin

haud (adv.): by no means, no way

haudquāquam (adv.): not

hauriō (haurīre, verb), hausī, haustus: drain, drink

hera (herae, f.): mistress, lady of the house

herba (herbae, f.): herb, grass

Herculēs (Herculis, m.): Hercules

herināceus (herināceī, m.): hedgehog

herus (herī, m.): master, owner*

heus (interjection): hey!

hic, haec, hoc (hūius, adj. and pronoun): this*

hīc (adv.): here, in this place

hiems (hiemis, f.): winter, winter time

hinc (adv.): from here, from this place

hinnītus (hinnītūs, m.): neighing, whinny

hinnulus (hinnulī, m.): deer, fawn

Hippocrātēs (Hippocrātis, m.): Hippocrates, famed Greek physician

hircus (hircī, m.): goat, billy-goat

hirundō (hirundinis, f.): swallow, martin

hodiē (adv.): today, this day

homō (hominis, m.): person, man

hordeum (hordeī, n.): barley, barley-corn

horrisonus, horrisona, horrisonum (adj.): dreadful-sounding

horror (horrōris, m.): dread, terror

hortor (hortārī, deponent verb), hortātus sum: encourage, urge

hospes (hospitis, m.): host, guest, visitor

hospitium (hospitiī, n.): hospitality, lodging

hostis (hostis, m/f.): enemy, stranger

hūc (adv.): here, to this place

humus (humī, f.): ground, soil

iaceō (iacēre, verb), iacuī, iacitus: lie, lie down

iactō (iactāre, verb), iactāvī, iactātus: boast about, brandish

iactūra (iactūrae, f.): loss, damage

iam (adv.): already, now*

iamiam (adv.): already, now

ibī (adv.): there

īcō (īcere, verb), īcī, ictus: strike, stab

ictus (ictūs, m.): hit, blow

īdem, eadem, idem (ēiusdem, adj. and pronoun): the same

ideō (adv.): for this reason, therefore

iēiūnus, iēiūna, iēiūnum (adj.): fasting, hungry

igitur (conj.): therefore*

ignāvus, ignāva, ignāvum (adj.): lazy, useless

ignis (ignis, m.): fire

iī or īvī, see eō

īlicet (adv.): right now, immediately

ille, illa, illud (illīus, adj. and pronoun): that*

illic (adv.): in that place, over there

illico (adv.): immediately, on the spot

illīdō (illīdere, verb), illīsī, illīsus: strike, dash against

illigō (illigāre, verb), illigāvī, illigātus: tie on, fasten

illinc (adv.): from there, from that place

illūc (adv.): to that place, there

illūdō (illūdere, verb), illūsī, illūsus: fool, dupe

imbellis, imbelle (imbellis, adj.): unwarlike, defenseless

immātūrus, immātūra, immātūrum (adj.): unripe, untimely

immemor (immemoris, adj.): unmindful, forgetful

immisceō (immiscēre, verb), immiscuī, immixtus: mix in, mingle with

immolātiō (immolātiōnis, f.): sacrifice, offering of victim

immolō (immolāre, verb), immolāvī, immolātus: sacrifice, offer as victim

impactus, see impingō

impastus, impasta, impastum (adj.): unfed, hungry

impediō (impedīre, verb), impedīvī, impeditus: hinder, obstruct

imperium (imperiī, n.): rule, supreme power

impetus (impetūs, m.): attack, charge

impingō (impingere, verb), impēgī, impactus: thrust, strike against

implōrō (implōrāre, verb), implōrāvī, implōrātus: appeal to, tearfully invoke

impōnō (impōnere, verb), imposuī, impositus: put on, set

importūnus, importūna, importūnum (adj.): inconvenient, annoying

imprōvīsus, imprōvīsa, imprōvīsum (adj.): unexpected, unforeseen

impūne (adv.): unpunished, without harm

in (prep.): in (abl.), into (acc.)*

inānis, ināne (inānis, adj.): empty, foolish

incendium (incendiī, n.): fire, conflagration

inceptō (inceptāre, verb), inceptāvī, inceptātus: begin, undertake

inceptum (inceptī, n.): undertaking, beginning

incertus, incerta, incertum (adj.): uncertain, unsure

incidō (incidere, verb), incidī, incāsus: fall into, meet with

incipiō (incipere, verb), incēpī, inceptus: begin, start

inclēmens (inclēmentis, adj.): unmerciful, harsh

inclīnō (inclīnāre, verb), inclīnāvī, inclīnātus: bend, lower

incolumis, incolume (incolumis, adj.): unharmed, safe

increpō (increpāre, verb), increpuī, increpitus: rebuke, chide

incruentus, incruenta, incruentum (adj.): bloodless, without casualties

incūsō (incūsāre, verb), incūsāvī, incūsātus: accuse, blame

inde (adv.): from there, thereupon, thence

indēfatīgābilis, indēfatīgābile (indēfatīgābilis, adj.): untiring, tireless

indicium (indiciī, n.): sign, evidence

indicō (indicāre, verb), indicāvī, indicātus: point out, show

indignābunde (adv.): indignantly, angrily

indignābundus, indignābunda, indignābundum (adj.): indignant, outraged

indignor (indignārī, deponent verb), indignātus sum: resent, be indignant

indignus, indigna, indignum (adj.): unworthy, undeserving

indulgēns (indulgentis, adj.): mild, lenient

indulgeō (indulgēre, verb), indulsī, indultus: be kind, lenient

induō (induere, verb), induī, indūtus: put on, dress in

ineō (inīre, irregular verb), inīvī or iniī, initus: go in, enter into

ineptus, inepta, ineptum (adj.): foolish, silly

inermis, inerme (inermis, adj.): unarmed, harmless

iners (inertis, adj.): weak, helpless

infēlix (infēlīcis, adj.): unhappy, unlucky

inferō (inferre, irregular verb), intulī, inlātus: bring in, inflict

inficiō (inficere, verb), infēcī, infectus: corrupt, poison

infortūnium (infortūniī, n.): misfortune, bad luck

infrā (adv. and prep. + acc.): below, beneath, downstream

ingemō (ingemere, verb), ingemuī, ingemitus: groan, moan

ingens (ingentis, adj.): huge, enormous

ingredior (ingredī, deponent verb), ingressus sum: enter, go into

ingruō (ingruere, verb), ingruī: come at violently, advance threateningly

inguen (inguinis, n.): groin, muscle

iniectō (iniectāre, verb), iniectāvī, iniectātus: lay on, put in

inimīcus (inimīcī, m.): enemy, foe

iniūria (iniūriae, f.): injury, injustice

iniī or inīvī, see ineō

inlātus, see inferō

innectō (innectere, verb), innexuī, innexus: weave, devise

innocens (innocentis, adj.): harmless, innocent

inopia (inopiae, f.): lack, poverty

inquam (defective verb): say. inquit: he says; inquiunt: they say*

insequor (insequī, deponent verb), insecūtus sum: pursue, chase after

inserviō (inservīre, verb), inservīvī, inservītus: look after, take care of

insideō (insidēre, verb), insēdī, insessus: sit on, settle upon

insidiae (insidiārum, f.): ambush, snare

insidior (insidiārī, deponent verb), insidiātus sum: lie in wait, ambush

insignis, insigne (insignis, adj.): conspicuous, remarkable

insolitus, insolita, insolitum (adj.): ununusual, unaccustomed

inspiciō (inspicere, verb), inspexī, inspectus: look at, look into

insulsus, insulsa, insulsum (adj.): stupid, tedious

insultus (insultūs, m.): insult, assault

intactus, intacta, intactum (adj.): untouched, intact

integer, integra, integrum (adj.): entire, complete

intellegō (intellegere, verb), intellexī, intellectus: understand, realize

intempestus, intempesta, intempestum (adj.): unseasonable, untimely

intentus, intenta, intentum (adj.): attentive, eager

inter (prep. +acc.): between, among, during*

interdum (adv.): sometimes

intereā (adv.): meanwhile

interficiō (interficere, verb), interfēcī, interfectus: kill, do away with

interim (adv.): meanwhile

interimō (interimere, verb), interēmī, interemptus: kill, destroy

interlābor (interlābī, deponent verb), interlapsus sum: glide away, slip by

interrogō (interrogāre, verb), interrogāvī, interrogātus: question, inquire

intonō (intonāre, verb), intonuī, intonātus: thunder, boom

intrā (prep. +acc.): within, inside

intrō (intrāre, verb), intrāvī, intrātus: enter, enter into

introeō (introīre, irregular verb), introīvī or introiī, introitus: go into, enter

intulī, see inferō

intumescō (intumescere, verb), intumuī: swell up, puff up

inūtilis, inūtile (inūtilis, adj.): useless

inveniō (invenīre, verb), invēnī, inventus: find, discover

invicem (adv.): alternately, mutually

invictus, invicta, invictum (adj.): undefeated, invincible

invideō (invidēre, verb), invīdī, invīsus: envy, begrudge

invidia (invidiae, f.): envy, grudge

invīsus, invīsa, invīsum (adj.): hated, despised

invītō (invītāre, verb), invītāvī, invītātus: invite

invocō (invocāre, verb), invocāvī, invocātus: call upon, pray for

involō (involāre, verb), involāvī, involātus: fly into, rush at

iocus (iocī, m.): jest, joke

ipse, ipsa, ipsum (ipsīus, adj. and pronoun): the very one, himself*

īrascor (īrascī, deponent verb), īrātus sum: grow angry, get mad

irrētiō (irrētīre, verb), irrētivī, irrētītus: entangle, catch in net

irrīdeō (irrīdēre, verb), irrīsī, irrīsus: mock, scoff at

irrītō (irrītāre, verb), irrītāvī, irrītātus: annoy, irritate

irrūgiō (irrūgīre, verb): roar, cry out

irruō (irruere, verb), irruī: rush in, rush into

is, ea, id (eius, adj. and pronoun): he/she/it, this one*

iste, ista, istud (istīus, adj. and pronoun): that, that there of yours

ita (adv.): thus, therefore

item (adv.): likewise

iter (itineris, n.): journey, path

iterō (iterāre, verb), iterāvī, iterātus: repeat

iterum (adv.): again, a second time

iubeō (iubēre, verb), iussī, iussus: command, order

iugum (iugī, n.): yoke

iunceus, iuncea, iunceum (adj.): made of rushes

Iupiter (Iovis, m.): Jupiter (king of the gods)

iūre (adv.): justly, deservedly

iūs (iūris, n.): right, law

iussī, see iubeō

iustus, iusta, iustum (adj.): fair, right

iuvenis (iuvenis, m.): young man, youth

ivī, see eō

labor (labōris, m.): effort, work

labōrō (labōrāre, verb), labōrāvī, labōrātus: work, exert effort

lābrum (lābrī, n.): lip

lacerō (lacerāre, verb), lacerāvī, lacerātus: mangle, tear

lacessō (lacessere, verb), lacessīvī, lacessītus: provoke, harass

laedō (laedere, verb), laesī, laesus: hurt, injure

laetābundus, laetābunda, laetābundum (adj.): rejoicing, cheerful

laniō (laniāre, verb), laniāvī, laniātus: mangle, tear to pieces

lapillulus (lapillulī, m.): pebble, tiny stone

lapis (lapidis, m.): stone

laqueus (laqueī, m.): snare, trap

lascīvus, lascīva, lascīvum (adj.): playful, unrestrained

latebra (latebrae, f.): hiding place, lair

lātus, see ferō

laudō (laudāre, verb), laudāvī, laudātus: praise

laus (laudis, f.): praise, glory

lautē (adv.): lavishly, sumptuously

lautitia (lautitiae, f.): luxurious lifestyle, elegance

leaena (leaenae, f.): lioness

lectus (lectī, m.): bed

lēgātus (lēgātī, m.): envoy, deputy

legō (legere, verb), lēgī, lectus: gather, collect

leō (leōnis, m.): lion*

lepus (leporis, m.): hare, rabbit

leviter (adv.): lightly, slightly

levō (levāre, verb), levāvī, levātus: lift up, elevate, alleviate, lighten

lex (lēgis, f.): law, principle

līberī (līberōrum, m.): children

līberō (līberāre, verb), līberāvī, līberātus: set free, release

lībertās (lībertātis, f.): freedom

licet (licere, impersonal verb), licuit, licitum est: it is permitted, allowed

licet (conj.): even if, although

lignum (lignī, n.): wood, timber

lingō (lingere, verb), linxī, linctus: lick

lingua (linguae, f.): tongue

līnum (līnī, n.): flax, flax seed

liquidō (adv.): clearly, plainly

liquidus, liquida, liquidum (adj.): liquid

lītigō (lītigāre, verb), lītigāvī, lītigātus: quarrel, squabble

līvidus, līvida, līvidum (adj.): bruise-colored, black-and-blue

locus (locī, m.): place*

longaevus, longaeva, longaevum (adj.): aged, long in years

longē (adv.): far, at length, greatly*

loquor (loquī, deponent verb), locūtus sum: speak

lūbricus, lūbrica, lūbricum (adj.): slippery, tricky

lūceō (lūcēre, verb), lūxī: shine, be apparent

lūcescō (lūcescere, verb): grow light, begin to shine

lucrum (lucrī, n.): gain, profit

lūculentē (adv.): splendidly, excellently

lugeō (lugēre, verb), lūxī, luctus: lament, grieve over

lupa (lupae, f.): she-wolf

lupulus (lupulī, m.): wolf-cub, little wolf

lupus (lupī, m.): wolf*

luscinia (lusciniae, f.): nightingale

lūsus (lūsūs, m.): amusement, game

lutum (lutī, n.): mud, clay

lūx (lūcis, f.): light

lūxī, see lūceō

lympha (lymphae, f.): water

macilentus, macilenta, macilentum (adj.): thin, lean

magister (magistrī, m.): master

magnopere (adv.): particularly, especially

magnus, magna, magnum (adj.): great, large

māior, māius (māioris, adj.): greater

male (adv.): badly, poorly

mālō (mālle, irregular verb), māluī: prefer, want more

mālum (mālī, n.): apple, fruit

mālus (mālī, f.): apple tree

malus, mala, malum (adj.): bad, unlucky

mandō (mandāre, verb), mandāvī, mandātus: entrust, commit

māne (adv.): in the morning

maneō (manēre, verb), mānsī, mānsus: remain, stay

mantica (manticae, f.): cloak, outer garment, knapsack

manus (manūs, f.): hand

margō (marginis, f.): edge, rim

Mars (Martis, m.): god of war, battle

māter (mātris, f.): mother*

mātrimōnium (mātrimōniī, n.): marriage

mātūrescō (mātūrescere, verb), mātūruī: mature, ripen

maximē (adv.): chiefly, especially

medicīna (medicīnae, f.): medicine

medicus (medicī, m.): medical doctor, physician

meditor (meditārī, deponent verb), meditātus sum: ponder, plan

medium (mediī, n.): middle, center

medius, media, medium (adj.): middle, medium

mel (mellis, n.): honey

melior, melius (melioris, adj.): better

mendīcō (mendīcāre, verb), mendīcāvī, mendīcātus: beg, be a beggar

mens (mentis, f.): mind, brain

mensa (mensae, f.): table, counter

mentum (mentī, n.): chin

merīdiēs (merīdiēī, f.): noon, midday

meritum (meritī, n.): service, reward

messis (messis, f.): harvest, crop

metō (metere, verb), messuī, messus: reap, harvest

metus (metūs, m.): fear, dread

meus, mea, meum (adj.): my, mine*

micō (micāre, verb), micuī: sparkle, gleam

mīlvus (mīlvī, m.): kite [a bird]*

minimē (adv.): barely, not at all, least of all

minitor (minitārī, deponent verb), minitātus sum: threaten, menace

minor (minārī, deponent verb), minātus sum: threaten, menace

minus (adv.): less, not so well

mīrābilis, mīrābile (mīrābilis, adj.): amazing, astonishing

mīror (mīrārī, deponent verb), mīrātus sum: be amazed, marvel at

mīrus, mīra, mīrum (adj.): wondrous, strange

misellus, misella, misellum (adj.): poor, unfortunate

miser, misera, miserum (adj.): wretched, unfortunate*

miserē (adv.): sadly, wretchedly

misereor (miserērī, deponent verb), misertus sum: pity, have mercy on

mittō (mittere, verb), mīsī, missus: send

modicus, modica, modicum (adj.): modest, small

modus (modī, m.): means, measure, way

mōlēs (mōlis, f.): mass, bulk

mōlīmen (mōlīminis, n.): effort, vehemence

mōlior (mōlīrī, deponent verb), mōlītus sum: construct, build

mollis, molle (mollis, adj.): soft, tender

momordī, see mordeō

moneō (monēre, verb), monuī, monītus: warn, admonish

mons (montis, m.): mountain

monstrum (monstrī, n.): portent, unnatural thing

mora (morae, f.): delay, pause

mordax (mordācis, adj.): biting

mordeō (mordēre, verb), momordī, morsus: bite

moribundulus, moribundula, moribundulum (adj.): dying

morior (morī, deponent verb), mortuus sum: die*

moror (morārī, deponent verb), morātus sum: delay, entertain

mors (mortis, f.): death

morsus, see mordeō

mortuus, see morior

mōs (mōris, m.): custom, habit; (pl.) character

mox (adv.): soon, then*

multifārius, multifāria, multifārium (adj.): numerous, diverse

multum (adv.): much, greatly, a lot

multus, multa, multum (adj.): much, many, great*

mūs (mūris, m/f.): mouse*

mūtō (mūtāre, verb), mūtāvī, mūtātus: change, alter

muttiō (muttīre, verb), muttivī, muttītus: mutter, murmur

nactus, see nanciscor

nam (conj.): for, for instance

nanciscor (nanciscī, deponent verb), nactus sum: find, stumble on

narrō (narrāre, verb), narrāvī, narrātus: tell, relate

nascor (nascī, deponent verb), nātus sum: be born

nātūra (nātūrae, f.): nature, birth

nātus (nātī, m.): son, child (see also nascor)

nē . . . quidem (adv.): not . . . even

nē (conj.): in order not to, so that not*

nē (interjection): surely, indeed

nec or neque (conj.): nor, neither, and not*

necesse (indeclinable adj.): necessary, inevitable

necessitās (necessitātis, f.): necessity, inevitability

necō (necāre, verb), necāvī, necātus: kill, slay

nēdum (conj.): still less, much less

negligēns (negligentis, adj.): careless, indifferent

negligenter (adv.): carelessly, indifferently

negōtium (negōtiī, n.): business

nēmō (nēminis, m.): nobody

nemus (nemoris, n.): wood, forest

nēquāquam (adv.): no way, by no means

neque, see nec

nequeō (nequīre, verb), nequivī, nequītus: be unable, cannot

neuter, neutra, neutrum (neutrīus, adj.): neither, not either

nex (necis, f.): death, murder

nī (conj.): if not, unless

nīdulāns (nīdulantis, adj.): nesting

nīdus (nīdī, m.): nest

nihil (indeclinable noun): nothing*

nimbus (nimbī, m.): cloud, rainstorm

nimis (adv.): too much, very much

nisi (conj.): unless, except

nix (nivis, f.): snow

nōbilis, nōbile (nōbilis, adj.): respected, respectable

nōbilitās (nōbilitātis, f.): respectability, excellence

nocēns (nocentis, m.): criminal, guilty person

nōdus (nōdī, m.): knot, node

nola (nolae, f.): bell

nōlō (nōlle, irregular verb), nōluī: refuse, not want

nōmen (nōminis, m.): name

nōn (adv.): not*

noscō (noscere, verb), nōvī, nōtus: get to know, be familiar with

noster, nostra, nostrum (adj.): our, ours

nota (notae, f.): mark, sign

notō (notāre, verb), notāvī, notātus: observe, notice

Notus (Notī, m.): South wind

nōtus, see nosco

novellus, novella, novellum (adj.): fresh, new

nōvī, see noscō

novus, nova, novum (adj.): new

nox (noctis, f.): night

nūbis (nūbis, m.): cloud

nullus, nulla, nullum (nullīus, adj.): none, not any*

num (adv.): introduces question expecting negative answer

numerō (numerāre, verb), numerāvī, numerātus: number, count

numerus (numerī, m.): number

nunc (adv.): now

nunquam (adv.): never, not ever

nūper (adv.): recently, just now

nupta (nuptae, f.): bride

nūtrix (nūtrīcis, f.): nurse, nanny

ō (interjection): o, oh

ob (prep. +acc.): on account of

obambulō (obambulāre, verb), obambulāvī, obambulātus: traverse, walk about

obiiciō (obiicere, verb), obiēcī, obiectus: cast off, throw

oblātus, see offerō

oblīviscor (oblīviscī, deponent verb), oblītus sum: forget

obrēpō (obrēpere, verb), obrēpsī, obrēptus: creep over, sneak up

obruō (obruere, verb), obruī, obrutus: cover up, bury

obsecrō (obsecrāre, verb), obsecrāvī, obsecrātus: implore, beseech

obsequium (obsequiī, n.): servility, service

observō (observāre, verb), observāvī, observātus: watch, heed

obses (obsidis, m.): hostage, guarantee

obsistō (obsistere, verb), obstitī, obstitus: oppose, withstand

obsōnium (obsōniī, n.): food

obstō (obstāre, verb), obstitī, obstātus: oppose, hinder

obtemperō (obtemperāre, verb), obtemperāvī, obtemperātus: obey, comply

obtruncō (obtruncāre, verb), obtruncāvī, obtruncātus: kill, cut down

obtulī, see offerō

obviam (adv.): in the way of, running into

occīdō (occīdere, verb), occīdī, occīsus: kill, slaughter

occultus, occulta, occultum (adj.): hidden, secret

occurrō (occurrere, verb), occurrī, occursus: run into, meet

ocellus (ocellī, m.): eye, little eye

oculus (oculī, m.): eye

ōdē (acc. ōdēn, f.): ode, song [Greek]

odium (odiī, n.): hatred

odōrus, odōra, odōrum (adj.): keen-scented

offendō (offendere, verb), offendī, offēnsus: bump into, stumble upon

offerō (offere, irregular verb), obtulī, oblātus: offer, present

officium (officiī, n.): duty, obligation

ōlim (adv.): formerly, once upon a time

omnimodō (adv.): in every way, entirely

omnīnō (adv.): altogether, completely

omnis, omne (omnis, adj.): all, every*

onus (oneris, n.): burden, load

onustus, onusta, onustum (adj.): laden, burdened

opera (operae, f.): work, effort

oppōnō (oppōnere, verb), opposuī, oppositus: oppose, counter

opportūnus, opportūna, opportūnum (adj.): useful, ready

opprobrium (opprobriī, n.): taunt, reproach

ops (opis, f.): help, means

optimus, optima, optimum (adj.): best

optō (optāre, verb), optāvī, optātus: choose, wish for

opus (operis, n.): need, work

ordō (ordinis, m.): order, row

ornāmentum (ornāmentī, n.): decoration, trappings

ornātus (ornātūs, m.): decoration, apparel

ornātus, ornāta, ornātum (adj.): decorated, adorned

ōrō (ōrāre, verb), ōrāvī, ōrātus: ask, pray*

ōs (ōris, n.): mouth, snout

os (ossis, n.): bone

oscitanter (adv.): lazily, listlessly

ostentō (ostentāre, verb), ostentāvī, ostentātus: show, display

ovis (ovis, f.): sheep*

ōvum (ōvī, n.): egg

pactum (pactī, n.): manner, agreement

pactus, see pangō

paene (adv.): almost, mostly

paeniteō (paenitēre, verb), paenituī: displease, regret, feel regret

pallidus, pallida, pallidum (adj.): pale, yellow-green

palma (palmae, f.): palm, palm of victory

palumbēs (palumbis, m.): ringdove, wood-pigeon

palūs (palūdis, f.): swamp, marsh

pangō (pangere, verb), pepigī, pactus: agree, settle upon

pār (paris, adj.): equal, like

parcō (parcere, verb), pepercī: be sparing, show consideration

pardus (pardī, m.): panther, leopard

parens (parentis, m/f.): parent

pāreō (pārēre, verb), pāruī, pāritus: obey, comply

pariēs (parietis, m.): wall

pariō (parīre, verb), peperī, partus: bear, produce

pars (partis, f.): part, portion

parturiō (parturīre, verb), parturīvī: give birth, be in labor

partus (partūs, m.): birth, labor (see also pario)

parvus, parva, parvum (adj.): small, little

pascō (pascere, verb), pāvī, pastus: graze, feed

pascuum (pascuī, n.): pasture

passus, see patior

pastor (pastōris, m.): shepherd

pastus (pastūs, m.): pasture, feeding ground

pater (patris, m.): father

paterfamiliās (patrisfamiliās, m.): head of the family

patienter (adv.): patiently, tolerantly

patior (patī, deponent verb), passus sum: suffer, undergo

patrimōnium (patrimōniī, n.): inheritance

paucī, paucae, pauca (adj.): few, small in number

paulātim (adv.): little by little

paulisper (adv.): for a short time

paululum (adv.): a small amount, a short while

pāvō (pāvōnis, m.): peacock

pavor (pavōris, m.): terror, panic

pectus (pectoris, n.): chest, heart

pecūnia (pecūniae, f.): money

pellis (pellis, f.): skin, hide

penetrō (penetrāre, verb), penetrāvī, penetrātus: enter, penetrate

penitus (adv.): thoroughly, completely

penna (pennae, f.): feather, wing

pensitō (pensitāre, verb), pensitāvī, pensitātus: ponder, reckon

penum (penī, n.): provisions, food

pepercī, see parcō

peperī, see pariō

pepigī, see pangō

per (prep. + acc.): through, by, by way of*

perambulō (perambulāre, verb), perambulāvī, perambulātus: walk about, travel through

perbibō (perbibere, verb), perbibī: drink deeply, imbibe

perbonus, perbona, perbonum (adj.): very good

percellō (percellere, verb), perculī, perculsus: strike down, dismay

percipiō (percipere, verb), percēpī, perceptus: perceive, notice

percontor (percontārī, deponent verb), percontātus sum: inquire, ask

perculsus, see percellō

percurrō (percurrere, verb), percurrī, percursus: run through

perditē (adv.): helplessly, hopelessly

perdix (perdīcis, f.): partridge

perdō (perdere, verb), perdidī, perditus: lose, destroy

pereō (perīre, irregular verb), perīvī or periī, peritus: be lost, perish

perfidus, perfida, perfidum (adj.): untrustworthy, treacherous

pergrandis, pergrande (pergrandis, adj.): very great, very large

perīculum (perīculī, n.): danger, hazard, trial*

perlustrō (perlustrāre, verb), perlustrāvī, perlustrātus: scan, scrutinize

permagnus, permagna, permagnum (adj.): very great, important

perscrūtor (perscrūtārī, deponent verb), perscrūtātus sum: search through, investigate

persequor (persequī, deponent verb), persecūtus sum: chase, reach, overtake

perspiciō (perspicere, verb), perspexī, perspectus: examine, observe

perstō (perstāre, verb), perstitī, perstātus: persevere, persist in

perstringō (perstringere, verb), perstrinxī, perstrictus: tie up, make tight

pertaesus, pertaesa, pertaesum (adj.): wearied, disgusted

pertineō (pertinēre, verb), pertinuī: reach, relate to

perveniō (pervenīre, verb), pervēnī, perventus: reach, arrive at

pēs (pedis, m.): foot*

petō (petere, verb), petīvī, petītus: ask, request

phalerae (phalerārum, f.): ornaments, decorations

piget (pigere, impersonal verb), piguit, pigitum est: disgusts, irks

pinguis, pingue (pinguis, adj.): fat, sleek

pīnus (pīnī, f.): pine tree

pirum (pirī, n.): pear (fruit)

pirus (pirī, f.): pear tree

piscātor (piscātōris, m.): fisherman

pisciculus (pisciculī, m.): little fish

pistor (pistōris, m.): baker

pius, pia, pium (adj.): dutiful, conscientious

placeō (placēre, verb), placuī, placitus: please, satisfy

plaga (plagae, f.): hunting net, trap

plēnus, plēna, plēnum (adj.): full

plērumque (adv.): often, for the most part

plōrō (plōrāre, verb), plōrāvī, plōrātus: cry, wail

plūrimus, plūrima, plūrimum (adj.): most, very many

plūs (adv.): more

poena (poenae, f.): penalty, punishment

pol (interjection): by Pollux, really!

polenta (polentae, f.): grain, polenta

polliceor (pollicērī, deponent verb), pollicitus sum: promise

pōnō (pōnere, verb), posuī, positus: place, put

popīna (popīnae, f.): cookshop, bistro

populāris (populāris, m/f.): fellow, compatriot

populor (populārī, deponent verb), populātus sum: lay waste, strip

populus (populī, m.): people, nation

porrigō (porrigere, verb), porrexī, porrectus: stretch out, extend

porrō (adv.): further, furthermore

portiuncula (portiunculae, f.): small part, tiny portion

possideō (possidēre, verb), possēdī, possessus: seize, hold

possum (posse, irregular verb), potuī: be able, can*

post (prep. +acc.): after, behind

posuī, see pōnō

posteā (adv.): afterwards

posterus, postera, posterum (adj.): after, future

posthabeō (posthabēre, verb), posthabuī, posthabitus: disregard, think unimportant

postquam (conj.): after, since

postrēmō (adv.): at last, finally

postrēmus, postrēma, postrēmum (adj.): last, endmost

postulō (postulāre, verb), postulāvī, postulātus: demand, require

potentia (potentiae, f.): power

potuī, see possum

pōtus (pōtūs, m.): drink, beverage

prae (prep. + abl.): in front of, in view of

praebeō (praebēre, verb), praebuī, praebitus: present, offer

praecellō (praecellere, verb), praecelluī, praecelsus: surpass, excel

praeceps (praecipitis, adj.): headlong, precipitous

praecipitō (praecipitāre, verb), praecipitāvī, praecipitātus: throw headlong, cast down

praeclārus, praeclāra, praeclārum (adj.): splendid, famous

praeda (praedae, f.): prey, plunder*

praedulcis, praedulce (praedulcis, adj.): very sweet

praegravātus, praegravāta, praegravātum (adj.): weighed down, burdened

praegravis, praegrave (praegravis, adj.): very weighty, very serious

praepōnō (praepōnere, verb), praeposuī, praepositus: put in front, prefer

praesens (praesentis, adj.): at hand, in person

praesentia (praesentiae, f.): presence

praesentiō (praesentīre, verb), praesēnsī, praesēnsus: feel in advance, anticipate

praesēpe (praesēpis, n.): manger, stall

praeservō (praeservāre, verb), praeservāvī, praeservātus: keep safe, preesrve

praesidium (praesidiī, n.): protection, defense

praestāns (praestantis, adj.): excellent, outstanding

praestantia (praestantiae, f.): excellence, superiority

praestō (praestāre, verb), praestitī, praestitus: show, present

praetendō (praetendere, verb), praetendī, praetentus: stretch out, spread

praetereō (praeterīre, irregular verb), praeterīvī or praeteriī, praeteritus: go by, pass by

praeterquam (prep. +acc.): except, besides

prātum (prātī, n.): meadow

precor (precārī, deponent verb), precātus sum: entreat, pray

prehendō (prehendere, verb), prehendī, prehēnsus: grab, take in hand

premō (premere, verb), pressī, pressus: press, press upon

pretiōsus,  pretiōsa,  pretiōsum  (adj.): valuable, precious

pretium (pretiī, n.): prize, price, reward

prex (precis, f.): prayer, request

prīmum (adv.): first, at first

prīmus, prīma, prīmum (adj.): first

prior, prius (priōris, adj.): preceding, previous

prius (adv.): before, beforehand, earlier

prīvātus, prīvāta, prīvātum (adj.): personal, private

prīvō (prīvāre, verb), prīvāvī, prīvātus: deprive of

prō (prep. + abl.): in exchange for

probē (adv.): rightly, thoroughly

procul (adv.): far off, at a distance

prōculcō (prōculcāre, verb), prōculcāvī, prōculcātus: trample on

prōcumbō (prōcumbere, verb), prōcubuī, prōcubitus: sink down, lie down

prōdō (prōdere, verb), prōdidī, prōditus: reveal, betray

profectō (adv.): certainly, as a matter of fact

profiteor (profitērī, deponent verb), professus sum: claim, declare

profundus, profunda, profundum (adj.): deep

prōgredior (prōgredī, deponent verb), prōgressus sum: go forward, proceed

prōlēs (prōlis, f.): offspring, young

prōmissum (prōmissī, n.): promise

prōmittō (prōmittere, verb), prōmīsī, prōmissus: promise

prōmptē (adv.): willingly, readily

prōmptus, prōmpta, prōmptum (adj.): willing, ready

prope (adv.): near, nearly

propitius, propitia, propitium (adj.): favorable, well-disposed

prōpōnō (prōpōnere, verb), prōposuī, prōpositus: put forward, propose

proprius, propria, proprium (adj.): one's own

propter (prep. + acc.): because of, on account of

prōsiliō (prōsilīre, verb), prōsiluī: leap forward

prōsternō (prōsternere, verb), prōstrāvī, prōstrātus: stretch out, lay low

prōvideō (prōvidēre, verb), prōvīdī, prōvīsus: foresee, provide for

prōvolō (prōvolāre, verb), prōvolāvī, prōvolātus: fly forth, dash forward

prōvolvō (prōvolvere, verb), prōvolvī, prōvolūtus: roll along, roll over

pūblicē (adv.): publicly

pudet (pudēre, impersonal verb), puduit, puditum est: shames, makes ashamed

pudor (pudōris, m.): shame, embarrassment

puella (puellae, f.): girl

puer (puerī, m.): boy

puerpera (puerperae, f.): female in labor

pugna (pugnae, f.): fight, battle

pugnax (pugnācis, adj.): fighting, aggressive

pugnō (pugnāre, verb), pugnāvī, pugnātus: fight, do battle

pulchritūdō (pulchritūdinis, f.): beauty

pullus (pullī, m.): chick, young bird

pulpāmentum (pulpāmentī, n.): flesh, meat

pungō (pungere, verb), pupugī, punctus: prick, puncture

puteus (puteī, m.): well, hole

putō (putāre, verb), putāvī, putātus: think, reckon

quadrupēs (quadrupedis, m/f.): animal, four-footed beast

quaerō (quaerere, verb), quaesīvī, quaesītus: search out, seek

quam (adv. and conj.): how, how much, as; than *

quamobrem (adv.): for what reason

quamquam (conj.): although

quamvis (adv. and conj.): although, even if

quandoquidem (conj.): since, seeing that

quantus, quanta, quantum (adj.): how great, how much, however much

quārē (adv.): for which reason, therefore

quartus, quarta, quartum (adj.): fourth

quasi (conj.): as if

quassō (quassāre, verb), quassāvī, quassātus: shake, batter

quater (adv.): four times

quattuor (number): four

~que (enclitic conj.): and*

quercus (quercūs, f.): oak, oak tree

querimōnia (querimōniae, f.): complaint, grievance

queror (querī, deponent verb), questus sum: complain, grumble

quī, quae, quod (cūius, adj. and pron.): which, that*

quia (conj.): because

quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque (cūiuscumque, adj.): whatever, whatsoever

quid (adv.): why, for what reason

quīdam, quaedam, quiddam (cūiusdam): a, a certain (pronoun; also quīdam, quaedam, quoddam, adj.)*

quidem (adv.): indeed*

quidquid (pronoun): whatever, everything

quiescō (quiescere, verb), quiēvī, quiētus: rest, be inactive

quīlibet, quaelibet, quodlibet (cūiuslibet, adj.): whatever, every

quīn (adv.): why not, why don't

quinquiēs (adv.): five times

quippe (adv.): obviously, as you see, inasmuch

quis, quid (cūius, pronoun): who, what*

quispiam, quidpiam (cūiuspiam, pronoun): something, anything

quisque, quidque (cūiusque, pronoun): everybody, each person

quō (adv.): to where, whither

quod (conj.): because, that, as for the fact that

quōmodo (adv.): how

quondam (adv.): formerly, at one time

quotīdiānus, quotīdiāna, quotīdiānum (adj.): daily, each day's

quotīdiē (adv.): daily, each day

racēmus (racēmī,  m.): bunch, cluster

radius (radiī,  m.): ray

rāmus (rāmī,  m.): branch, bough

rāmusculus (rāmusculī,  m.): twig, tiny branch

rāna (rānae, f.): frog*

rapīna (rapīnae, f.): robbery, plunder

rapiō (rapere, verb), rapuī,  raptus: grab, snatch

ratus, see reor

recēdō (recēdere, verb), recessī,  recessus: go away, depart

recenseō (recensēre, verb), recensuī,  recensus: review, reckon

recipiō (recipere, verb), recēpī,  receptus: regain, recover

recūsō (recūsāre, verb), recūsāvī, recūsātus: refuse, decline

reddō (reddere, verb), reddidī,  redditus: return, give back

redeō (redīre, irregular verb), redīvī or rediī,  reditus: return, go back*

reditus (reditūs, m.): return, going back

redux (reducis, adj.): brought back, restored

referō (referre, irregular verb), retulī,  relātus: return, carry back

refocillō (refocillāre, verb), refocillāvī, refocillātus: revive, warm to life

regredior (regredī,  deponent verb), regressus sum: go back, return

relātus, see referō

relinquō (relinquere, verb), relīquī,  relictus: leave, abandon

reliquia (reliquiae, f.): remains, vestiges

reliquus, reliqua, reliquum (adj.): rest, remaining

remaneō (remanēre, verb), remānsī,  remānsus: stay behind, remain

removeō (removēre, verb), remōvī,  remōtus: put away, put aside

renuō (renuere, verb), renuī: refuse, shake head no

reor (rērī,  deponent verb), ratus sum: think, suppose

reperiō (reperīre, verb), repperī,  repertus: find, discover

replicō (replicāre, verb), replicuī,  replicātus: reply, unfold

rēpō (rēpere, verb), rēpsī,  rēptus: creep, crawl

repōnō (repōnere, verb), reposuī,  repositus: store, put up

reptilis, reptile (reptilis, adj.): creeping, crawling

repugnō (repugnāre, verb), repugnāvī, repugnātus: fight back

reputō (reputāre, verb), reputāvī, reputātus: reflect, think over

rēs (reī,  f.): thing, business*

resciscō (rescicere, verb), rescīvī,  rescītus: learn, find out

resīdō (resīdere, verb), resēdī: sit down, settle

resistō (resistere, verb), restitī: oppose, make a stand

resonō (resonāre, verb), resonāvī: resound, echo

respiciō (respicere, verb), respexī,  respectus: regard, look at

respondeō (respondēre, verb), respondī,  respōnsus: reply*

rēte (rētis, n.): net, snare

retineō (retinēre, verb), retinuī,  retentus: hold back, restrain, trap

retulī,  see referro

revertor (revertī,  deponent verb), reversus sum: return, go back

rex (rēgis, m.): king*

rictus (rictūs, m.): jaws, open mouth

rīdiculus, rīdicula, rīdiculum (adj.): silly, laughable

rīpa (rīpae, f.): bank, shore

rōdō (rōdere, verb), rōsī,  rōsus: gnaw, chew

rogō (rogāre, verb), rogāvī, rogātus: ask*

rosa (rosae, f.): rose

rostrum (rostrī,  n.): beak

rota (rotae, f.): wheel

rubellus, rubella, rubellum (adj.): red, reddish

ruber, rubra, rubrum (adj.): red

rudō (rudere, verb): bellow, bray

rūgiō (rūgīre, verb): roar, bellow

rūgītus (rūgītūs, m.): roar, bellow

ruīna (ruīnae, f.): destruction, catastrophe

rūmor (rūmōris, m.): rumor, gossip

ruō (ruere, verb), ruī: rush, rush into

rūpēs (rūpis, f.): cliff, rock

rursum or rursus (adv.): on the contrary, again, in turn

rūs (rūris, n.): countryside, farm

rūsticus (rūsticī,  m.): peasant, countryman*

sacer, sacra, sacrum (adj.): sacred, holy

sacrilegē (adv.): impiously, outrageously

saepe (adv.): often

saeta (saetae, f.): hair, bristle

saeviō (saevīre, verb), saeviī,  saevītus: rage, rave

saginātus, sagināta, saginātum (adj.): fattened, well-fed

saltem (adv.): at least, anyhow

saltus (saltūs, m.): leap, jump

salūs (salūtis, f.): health, safety

salūtō (salūtāre, verb), salūtāvī, salūtātus: greet, hail

sānē (adv.): truly, surely

sarcina (sarcinae, f.): pack, bundle

satis (adv.): enough, satisfactory

satur, satura, saturum (adj.): well-fed, stuffed

satus, see serō

satyrus (satyrī,  m.): satyr

saucius, saucia, saucium (adj.): wounded, injured

scandō (scandere, verb): climb, mount

scientia (scientiae, f.): knowledge, skill

scīlicet (adv.): of course, you know

sciō (scīre, verb), scīvī,  scītus: know

sciscitor (sciscitārī,  deponent verb), sciscitātus sum: ask, inquire

sē (personal pronoun, also sese): himself, herself, itself*

sēcēdō (sēcēdere, verb), sēcessī,  sēcessus: withdraw, secede

secundum (adv.): afterwards, a second time

secundus, secunda, secundum (adj.): second

sēcūrē (adv.): safely, unconcernedly

secūris (secūris, f.): ax, hatchet

sēcūrus, sēcūra, sēcūrum (adj.): safe, untroubled

secūtus, see sequor

sed (conj.): but*

sedeō (sedēre, verb), sēdī,  sessus: sit, stay

sēdō (sēdāre, verb), sēdāvī, sēdātus: allay, calm

sēdulō (adv.): carefully, attentively

seges (segetis, f.): field of grain, crop

segniter (adv.): slowly, lazily

segnitiēs (segnitiēī,  f.): sluggishness, inertia

sēgregō (sēgregāre, verb), sēgregāvī, sēgregātus: remove, separate

sella (sellae, f.): seat, saddle

semel (adv.): once, on one occasion

sēmentis (sēmentis, f.): sowing, seeding

sēminūdus, sēminūda, sēminūdum (adj.): half-naked

semper (adv.): always

senecta (senectae, f.): old age

senectūs (senectūtis, f.): old age

senex (senis, adj.): aged, old

senior, senius (seniōris, adj.): older, elder

senium (seniī,  n.): old age

sensus (sensūs, m.): awareness, sense

sentiō (sentīre, verb), sēnsī,  sēnsus: perceive, feel

sentis (sentis, m.): thorn, briar

sequor (sequī,  deponent verb), secūtus sum: follow, pursue

sermō (sermōnis, m.): speech, talk

serō (serere, verb), sēvī,  satus: sow, plant

sērus, sēra, sērum (adj.): late, too late

servō (servāre, verb), servāvī, servātus: preserve, save

servus (servī,  m.): servant, groom

sevērus, sevēra, sevērum (adj.): stern, unforgiving

sexiēs (adv.): on six occasions

sī (conj.): if*

sībilō (sībilāre, verb), sībilāvī, sībilātus: hiss, whistle

sīc (adv.): thus, in this way

sīcut (adv.): like, just as

sileō (silēre, verb), siluī: be silent, keep quiet

silescō (silescere, verb), siluī: grow quiet, fall silent

silva (silvae, f.): woods, forest*

silvānus (silvānī,  m.): woodsman, forester

simul (adv.): at the same time

simulō (simulāre, verb), simulāvī, simulātus: imitate, look like

sīn (conj.): if however, but if

sine (prep. +abl.): without

singulī,  singulae, singula (adj.): separate, individual

sinō (sinere, verb), sīvī,  situs: allow, permit

sitibundus, sitibunda, sitibundum (adj.): thirsty

sitis (sitis, f.): thirst

situs, sita, situm (adj.): placed, positioned

smaris (smaridis, m.): picarel (tiny sea-fish)

societās (societātis, f.): alliance, company

socius (sociī,  m.): ally, associate

sodālis (sodālis, m.): companion, associate

sōl (sōlis, m.): sun

soleō (solēre, semi-deponent verb), solitus sum: be in the habit of

sollertia (sollertiae, f.): skill, cleverness

sollicitō (sollicitāre, verb), sollicitāvī, sollicitātus: molest, annoy

sōlummodo (adv.): only, alone, just one

solvō (solvere, verb), solvī,  solūtus: loosen, unbind, dissolve

somnus (somnī,  m.): sleep

sordidus, sordida, sordidum (adj.): nasty, filthy

sors (sortis, f.): fate, lot in life

sortior (sortīrī,  deponent verb), sortītus sum: win by lot, obtain

spatium (spatiī,  n.): space, time

speciōsus,  speciōsa,  speciōsum  (adj.): attractive, appealing

spērō (spērāre, verb), spērāvī, spērātus: hope

spēs (speī,  f.): hope*

spīna (spīnae, f.): spine, thorn

spīnōsus,  spīnōsa,  spīnōsum  (adj.): thorny, prickly

spīritus (spīritūs, m.): breath, spirit

splendidus, splendida, splendidum (adj.): shining, brilliant

splendeō (splendēre, verb): shine, be radiant

spoliō (spoliāre, verb), spoliāvī, spoliātus: rob, strip

spolium (spoliī,  n.): spoils, booty

stabulum (stabulī,  n.): stall, stable

statim (adv.): immediately, at once

statuō (statuere, verb), statuī,  statūtus: establish, decide

sterquilīnium (sterquilīniī,  n.): dung heap

stō (stāre, verb), stetī,  status: stand, stay

strēnuus, strēnua, strēnuum (adj.): vigorous, energetic

struō (struere, verb), struxī,  structus: build, construct

studium (studiī,  n.): eager pursuit, dedication

stultitia (stultitiae, f.): foolishness, stupidity

stultus, stulta, stultum (adj.): foolish, stupid

suādeō (suādēre, verb), suāsī,  suāsus: urge, exhort

sub (prep. + abl.): under, beneath

subeō (subīre, irregular verb), subīvī or subiī,  subitus: go under, undergo

subitō (adv.): suddenly, quickly

subitus, subita, subitum (adj.): sudden, unexpected

sublactō (sublactāre, verb), sublactāvī, sublactātus: entice, dupe

subrīdeō (subrīdēre, verb), subrīsī,  subrīsus: smile, grin

subveniō (subvenīre, verb), subvēnī,  subventus: come to help, rescue

subvolō (subvolāre, verb), subvolāvī, subvolātus: fly up

succumbō (succumbere, verb), succubuī: collapse, lie down, succumb

succurrō (succurrere, verb), succurrī,  succursus: run to help, assist

sudis (sudis, f.): stake, log

sūdō (sūdāre, verb), sūdāvī, sūdātus: sweat, perspire

sufflō (sufflāre, verb), sufflāvī, sufflātus: puff, blow

suggerō (suggerere, verb), suggessī,  suggestus: furnish, supply

sum (esse, irregular verb), fuī: be*

super (adv. and prep. + abl.): above, about, over and above

superaddō (superaddere, verb), superaddidī,  superadditus: add on to, heap on top

superbiō (superbīre, verb): be proud, boastful

superō (superāre, verb), superāvī, superātus: overcome, outdo

supervolitō (supervolitāre, verb), supervolitāvī, supervolitātus: flutter over, fly above

supplicabunde (adv.): pleadingly, humbly

supplicābundus, supplicābunda, supplicābundum (adj.): pleading, entreating

supplicō (supplicāre, verb), supplicāvī, supplicātus: plead, beg

suprēmus, suprēma, suprēmum (adj.): highest, last

surgō (surgere, verb), surrexī,  surrectus: rise up, get up

sūs (suis, f.): sow, swine

suspendō (suspendere, verb), suspendī,  suspēnsus: hang

suspīrium (suspīriī,  n.): sigh, deep breath

suspīrō (suspīrāre, verb), suspīrāvī, suspīrātus: sigh, utter with a sigh

susurrō (susurrāre, verb), susurrāvī: whisper, mutter

suus, sua, suum (adj.): his/hers/its (reflexive)*

taceō (tacēre, verb), tacuī,  tacitus: be silent, shut up

tacitus, tacita, tacitum (adj.): silent, quiet

taedet (taedēre, impersonal verb), taeduit, taesum est: it is wearisome, irks

taedium (taediī,  n.): weariness, tedium

tam (adv.): so, so much, to such an extent*

tamen (adv.): however, but, nevertheless

tandem (adv.): finally*

tantillus, tantilla, tantillum (adj.): so small a quantity

tantum (adv.): only

tantummodo (adv.): only, merely

tantus, tanta, tantum (adj.): of such size, so great*

tardigradus, tardigrada, tardigradum (adj.): slow-paced, limping

taurus (taurī,  m.): bull

tectum (tectī,  n.): roof, ceiling

temere (adv.): rashly, impetuously

tempus (temporis, n.): time

tēmulentus, tēmulenta, tēmulentum (adj.): drunken, tipsy

tendō (tendere, verb), tetendī,  tēnsus: stretch, extend

tenellus, tenella, tenellum (adj.): tender, delicate

tentō (tentāre, verb), tentāvī, tentātus: attempt, try

tenuitās (tenuitātis, f.): slenderness, thinness

ter (adv.): three times, thrice

tergum (tergī,  n.): back, rear

terminus (terminī,  m.): end, boundary

terreō (terrēre, verb), terruī,  territus: scare, frighten

territō (territāre, verb): frighten, intimidate

tertius, tertia, tertium (adj.): third

testūdō (testūdinis, f.): tortoise, turtle*

tībiāle (tībiālis, n.): leg, shin

timeō (timēre, verb), timuī: fear, be afraid

timidē (adv.): fearfully, timidly

tolerō (tolerāre, verb), tolerāvī, tolerātus: bear, endure

tollō (tollere, verb), sustulī,  sublātus: lift up, take away

torqueō (torquēre, verb), torsī,  tortus: twist, torment

tot (adv.): many, so many

totiēs (adv.): as often, such a number of times

tōtum (adv.): completely, wholly

tōtus, tōta, tōtum (tōtīus, adj.): all, whole*

trabēs (trabis, f.): tree-trunk, beam

trādō (trādere, verb), trādidī,  trāditus: hand over, bestow

trahō (trahere, verb), traxī,  tractus: drag, haul

trānō (trānāre, verb), trānāvī, trānātus: swim across

transfuga (transfugae, m.): deserter, renegade

trepidē (adv.): fearfully, anxiously

trepidō (trepidāre, verb), trepidāvī, trepidātus: tremble, fear

trepidus, trepida, trepidum (adj.): fearful, anxious

trēs, tria (trium, adj.): three

tribūtum (tribūtī,  n.): tribute, contribution

tū (personal pronoun): you (singular)*

tuba (tubae, f.): trumpet

tubicen (tubicinis, m.): trumpeter

tugurium (tuguriī,  n.): cottage, hut

tulī,  see fero

tum (adv.): then, next

tunc (adv.): then, at that time

turbō (turbāre, verb), turbāvī, turbātus: agitate, muddy

turbō (turbinis, m.): whirlwind, tornado

tūtus, tūta, tūtum (adj.): safe, secure

tuus, tua, tuum (adj.): yours (singular)*

tyrannis (tyrannidis, f.): tyranny, regime

ubi (adv.): where, when

ulciscor (ulciscī,  deponent verb), ultus sum: avenge, punish

ultimus, ultima, ultimum (adj.): latest, last

ululātus (ululātūs, m.): howl, yell

umbra (umbrae, f.): shade, shadow, reflection

umerus (umerī,  m.): shoulder, upper arm

ūmor (ūmōris, m.): liquid, fluid

ūnā (adv.): together

ūnanimis, ūnanime (ūnanimis, adj.): like-minded, in accord

unde (adv.): from where, whereupon, whence

undique (adv.): on all sides, everywhere

unguis (unguis, m.): claw, talon

ūnicus, ūnica, ūnicum (adj.): single, only

ūnus, ūna, ūnum (ūnīus, adj.): one, sole*

urbānus, urbāna, urbānum (adj.): urban, city

urbs (urbis, f.): city

urna (urnae, f.): pot, urn

ursus (ursī,  m.): bear*

uspiam (adv.): anywhere, somewhere

usque (adv.): all the way, always

ūsus (ūsūs, m.): use, advantage, enjoyment

ut (conj.): as; so, in order to*

uter, utra, utrum (utrīus, adj.): which (of two)

uterque, utraque, utrumque (utriusque, adj.): each of two

utrimque (adv.): on both sides

ūva (ūvae, f.): grape

uxor (uxōris, f.): wife

vacuus, vacua, vacuum (adj.): empty, empty-handed

vādō (vādere, verb), vasī: go

vagor (vagārī,  deponent verb), vagātus sum: roam, wander

vagus, vaga, vagum (adj.): wandering, unreliable

valedīcō (valedīcere, verb): say goodbye to

valeō (valēre, verb), valuī: be well, be strong

validus, valida, validum (adj.): strong, powerful

vānus, vāna, vānum (adj.): meaningless, useless

varius, varia, varium (adj.): different, diverse

vās (vāsis, n.): vessel, container

vehemens (vehementis, adj.): violent, vigorous

vehō (vehere, verb), vexī,  vectus: carry, convey

vel (conj.): or

velle, see volō

vēlōcitās (vēlōcitātis, f.): rapidity, swiftness

vēlox (vēlōcis, adj.): rapid, swift

velut (adv.): just as, as if

vēnāticus, vēnātica, vēnāticum (adj.): for hunting, hunter's

vēnātiō (vēnātiōnis, f.): hunt, the chase

vēnātus (vēnātūs, m.): hunting

vendicō (vendicāre, verb), vendicāvī, vendicātus: avenge, claim

veneror (venerārī,  deponent verb), venerātus sum: worship, revere

veniō (venīre, verb), vēnī,  ventus: come*

ventus (ventī,  m.): wind

vēnum (vēnī,  n.): something for sale

Venus (Veneris, f.): Venus (goddess of love)

vēr (vēris, n.): spring, spring-time

verber (verberis, n.): lash, whipping

verbum (verbī,  n.): word*

vērō (adv.): in fact, indeed

versicolor (versicolōris, adj.): changing color, varicolored

vertīgō (vertīginis, f.): dizziness

vērum (adv.): the fact is, truth be told

vescor (vescī,  deponent verb): eat, feed on

vesper (vesperis, m.): evening

vespertiliō (vespertiliōnis, m.): bat

vester, vestra, vestrum (adj.): your, yours (pl.)

vestīgium (vestīgiī,  n.): track, trace

vestīmentum (vestīmentī,  n.): garment, clothing

vestītus (vestītūs, m.): clothing, clothes

vetulus, vetula, vetulum (adj.): aged, old

vexī,  see veho

via (viae, f.): way, road

viātor (viātōris, m.): wayfarer, traveler*

vīcīnus (vīcīnī,  m.): neighbor

victor (victōris, m.): winner, victor

victōria (victōriae, f.): victory

victus (victūs, m.): food, sustenance

videō (vidēre, verb), vīdī,  vīsus: see*

vigil (vigilis, adj.): alert, watchful

vīlis, vīle (vīlis, adj.): cheap, worthless

vīlla (vīllae, f.): farm, country home

vincō (vincere, verb), vīcī,  victus: conquer, defeat, win

violentus, violenta, violentum (adj.): violent, impetuous

violō (violāre, verb), violāvī, violātus: dishonor, outrage

vīpera (vīperae, f.): snake, viper

vir (virī,  m.): man, husband

virga (virgae, f.): twig, rod

virgō (virginis, f.): virgin, girl

virtūs (virtūtis, f.): worth, excellence

vīrus (vīrī,  n.): venom, poison

vīs (abl. vī, acc. vim, pl. vīrēs, f.): force, strength*

viscera (viscerum, n.): entrails, vitals

vīsō (vīsere, verb), vīsī,  vīsus: visit, go see

vīta (vītae, f.): life

vitium (vitiī,  n.): fault, defect

vītō (vītāre, verb), vītāvī, vītātus: avoid, evade

vitreus, vitrea, vitreum (adj.): glass, glassy

vitula (vitulae, f.): heifer, young cow

vīvō (vīvere, verb), vixī: live

vix (adv.): scarcely, hardly

vocō (vocāre, verb), vocāvī, vocātus: call

volātus (volātūs, m.): flight

volō (velle, irregular verb), voluī: want, will

volō (volāre, verb), volāvī, volātus: fly

volucris (volucris, f.): bird, winged creature

volvō (volvere, verb), volvī,  volūtus: roll

vorābundus, vorābunda, vorābundum (adj.): voracious, gulping

vorō (vorāre, verb), vorāvī, vorātus: swallow, devour

vox (vōcis, f.): voice

vulnerō (vulnerāre, verb), vulnerāvī, vulnerātus: wound, hurt

vulpēcula (vulpēculae, f.): fox, vixen

vulpēs (vulpis, f.): fox*

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