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440. A Gard'ner and a Mole.

A Gard'ner took a Mole in his Grounds, and the Question was, whether he should put her to Death or no. The Mole Pleaded that she was one of his Family, and Digg'd his Garden for Nothing: Nay, she Insisted upon't, what Pity 'twas to Destroy a Creature that had so smooth a Skin, and Twenty other Little Pretences. Come, come, says the Gardner, I am not to be Fool'd with a Parcel of Fair Words: You have Nothing for Digging 'tis True; but pray who set you at Work? Is it for my Service d'ye think, to have my Plants and my Herbs torn up by the Roots? And what's your business at last, but by doing all you can for the filling of your own Belly, to leave me nothing to Eat? 


441. A Man and a Weazle.

There was a Weazle taken in a  Trapp, and whether she should Dye or not, was the Point: The Master of the House Charg'd her with heavy Misdemeanors, and the Poor Vermine stood much upon her Innocence and Merit. Why says she, I keep your House clear of Mice. Well, says the Man, but you do't for your Own sake, not for Mine. What work would they make the Pantry and the Larder, (says she) if it were not for me? And in the mean time (says the Master of the House) You your Self devour the same things that they would have Eaten, Mice and All: But you would fain sham it upon me, that you do me a Service, when in Truth you do me an Injury; and therefore you deserve a double Death; First, For the Fault it self, and then for the Justification of it.

The Moral of the Two Fables above. 'Tis according to the Course of those Kind Offices in the World, which we call Friendship, to do one another Good for our Own Sakes. 


442. A Woman, Cat and Mice.

A Good Woman taht was willing to keep her Cheese from the Mice, thought to mend the matter by getting her a Cat. Now Puss Answer'd the Womans Intent and Expectation, in keeping the Mice from Nibbling the Cheeses; but she her self at the same time devour'd the Mice, Cheese and all.

The Moral. This has been our Case within the Memory of Man: There were a matter of Half a Dozen Little Roguy Political Mice lay Nibbling at our Liberties and Properties, and all Peoples Mouths Open'd for the Providing of some 500 Cats to Destroy them. The End on't was this, they Kill'd the Vermine; but then they Gobbled up Privileges and All: And was not the World well Amended? 


443. A Man in Tears for the Loss of his Wife.  


444. A Rich Man that would be no Richer. 


445. An Eagle sets up for a Beauty.

It was once put to the Question among the Birds, which of the whole Tribe or sort of 'em was the Greatest Beauty. The Eagle gave her Voice for her self, and Carry'd it. yes, says a Peacock in a soft Voice by the by, You are a great Beauty indeed; but it lyes in your Beak, and in your Talons, that make it Death to Dispute it.

The Moral. The Veneration that is paid to Great and Powerful Men, is but from the Teeth outward, not from the Heart; and more out of Fear then Love.  


446. An Image Expos'd to Sale.

A Certain Carver, that had a Mercury lay a great while upon his Hands, bethought himself at last of Billing it about in Coffee-Houses, that at such a place there was a God to be Sold, a Merry Penn'orth, and such a Deity as would make any Man Rich, if you Keep him, as well as he will make me Rich if I Buy him. You say very Right says t'other; but 'tis Ready Mony that I want, and the Purchaser will have only an Estate in Reversion.

The Moral. Ready Mony goes as far in Religion as in Trade: People are willing to Keep what they Have, and to get what they Can, without Launching out inot Lives, and Uncertainties. They are well enough Content to deal in the Sale of Reversions, but they do not much care for Buying them. 


447. Demetrius and Menander.


448. A Consultation about Securing a Town. 


449. A Hedge Destroy'd for Bearing no Fruit.

A Foolish Heir that was now come to the Possession of a Wise Man's Estate, caus'd all the Bushes and Hedges about his Vineyard to be Grubb'd up, because they brought him no Grapes. The Throwing down of this Hedge, laid his Ground open to Man and Beast, and all his Plants were presently Destroy'd. My Simple Young Master came now to be Convinc'd of his Folly, in taking away the Guard that Preserv'd his Vines, and in expecting Grapes from Brambles.

The Moral. There needs as much Care and Industry to the Preserving of things, as there does to the Acquiring of them, and the Centinel is as necessary to the common Safety, as he that Fights the Battle.


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