

Page history last edited by Laura Gibbs 16 years, 9 months ago


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Elegiac Meter


The Latin elegiac couplet is the meter of Latin love elegy, but it is also used in many other types of poetry. The basic form of the couplet is a dactylic hexamter line, followed by a pentameter line. Since this is a popular meter in Latin, you will find many webpages to help you get started in learning about this meter:


Latin Poetic Meter. A clear presentation of dactylic hexameters and elegiac couplets.

Meter and Scansion. A clear presentation of hendecasyllabic meter, Sapphics, and the elegiac couplet.

Reading Latin Poetry. A presentation of the dactylic hexameter and elegiac couplet with an emphasis on oral performance.

Viva Voce. A comprehensive website for a wide variety of Latin meters, with audio.

Examples of Greek and Latin meters in English verse, including the elegiac couplet!


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